Rick Leonardi is an American comic book illustrator. He was born in Philadelphia in 1957, and grew up in New England. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1979. His professional career began in 1980.
His work is characterized by his use of dynamic poses, panel composition, and shifting of the camera eye and perspective. He is largely self-trained, having intensively studied reprinted and collected work from Hal Foster, Alex Raymond, Milton Caniff, and Will Eisner.
His well-known works include various issues of The Uncanny X-Men and The New Mutants, as well as runs on Cloak & Dagger, Spider-Man 2099, Nightwing, Batgirl, and Green Lantern Versus Aliens.
He is credited, along with fellow illustrator Mike Zeck, with designing the black-and-white costume to which Spider-Man switched during the miniseries Secret Wars.
He created the costume for Spider-Man 2099, and was consulted in the production of Across the Spiderverse.
He was penciler/inker for the original four issues of Watson and Holmes, which received an Eisner nomination for best new series in 2014.
Currently, Rick has finished writing and drawing an original graphic novel called Blue Angel, which he hopes to publish this year.